mtex antenna technology presents the upcoming world’s largest radio telescope

21. June 2023

Under the patronage of Minister President Michael Kretschmer, mtex antenna technology and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory present upcoming world’s largest radio telescope in Saxony

State-of-the-art telescope technology will be presented by mtex antenna technology (mtex) from Schkeuditz and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), Charlottesville, USA, as part of the ngVLA project. The Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) will be the largest radio astronomy facility in the Northern Hemisphere when it is built in the next decade.

“In 2021, mtex antenna technology was awarded a contract from the NRAO to develop, design and manufacture the first 18-metre ngVLA prototype telescope,” explains Lutz Stenvers, CEO of mtex. Since then, German and American engineers and scientists have been working closely together to further develop the technologies of the predecessor model, the Very Large Array. This is one of the most productive ground-based astronomical research facilities of the last 40 years, located on the plains of San Agustin, New Mexico, USA.

Major telescope components including the 18 m Main reflector Backup Structure will be shown at  an Open Day Event:
Thursday 28 September 2023, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
At the mtex facility in Schkeuditz, Polygraphstraße 2

High-profile US and German representatives from the scientific and political communities will speak and celebrate the exciting collaboration in technological advancement and scientific discovery. “We are particularly pleased about the patronage of the Minister President Michael Kretschmer,” explains Lutz Stenvers. “The location in Schkeuditz offers great cooperation prospects and funding for high technology – just as mtex is proving today together with NRAO.”

mtex antenna technology gmbh is a portfolio company of SCHAUENBURG Ventures GmbH, itself part
of the SCHAUENBURG International Group.

About mtex antenna technology gmbh
mtex antenna technology gmbh, based in Wiesbaden, Germany, develops and manufactures telescopes for astronomy and geodesy, as well as special antennas for demanding applications. It also
supplies antenna systems and ground stations for satellites or spacecraft communications for industry,
research, ministries and government agencies. In addition to the product ranges, this also includes
comprehensive services such as engineering services, installation, maintenance, up-grades and after-sales services.