Dr. Stephanie Lynch (OHD) Amongst Top Ranks at ISRP

23. February 2023

OHD is proud to announce the election of our very own Dr. Stephanie Lynch to the role of Vice Presi-dent of The International Society for Respiratory Protection (ISRP). The ISRP is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing educational and informational services to all individuals involved in respiratory pro-tection. The main purpose is to bring together occupational health and safety professionals in the field of respiratory protection. The society meets regularly both virtually and in person for Regional and Interna-tional Conferences at various locations around the world where members share ideas. The ISRP also publishes a journal and maintains a website that both serves as forums for discussion and research. The objectives of the ISRP align perfectly with OHD’s ultimate mission to protect the world’s workforce.

Dr. Lynch, with the full support of OHD, is committed to advancing the goals of both the ISRP and OHD. From Dr. Lynch: “I am pleased to serve the ISRP in the interest of promoting respiratory protec-tion education in industry and the general public. It is my hope that I can contribute positively to expand-ing the reach and impact of the ISRP globally.”  Dr. Lynch will serve in this position for two years and then continue as President for the next two years, finishing out her time on the executive committee as past president for two years.

OHD got comments congratulating Dr. Lynch from contacts in the UK and Europe. Claudio Galbiati, Italian PPE Manufacturer Association President & European Safety Federation Treasurer, wrote:  “The scientific and educational activities that ISRP is doing every day is extremely important to promote the culture of respiratory conservation and educate the market to select proper products. Thank you for taking this position and leading the ISRP, Stephanie, it will be a challenge for you, but I am sure you will do well and we will learn from you too. Well done”

 Alan Murray, Chief Executive Officer British Safety Industry Federation, added: “The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) is dedicated to enhancing quality and capability across the UK Safety Indus-try and through the Fit2Fit Competency Qualification and the BSIF Respiratory Protection, Special In-terest Group, we strive to improve better health outcomes in the field of respiratory protection. The op-portunity to work with strategic bodies such as the ISRP enables key educational messages to be shared, amplified and cascaded for the benefit of all. We look forward to continuing to work together.  We congratulate Dr. Stephanie Lynch on her appointment and wish her every success in her new role with the International Society for Respiratory Protection.”

It is clear that great things are in the future for Dr. Lynch and the ISRP, and OHD is thrilled to support their future endeavors.

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