mtex antenna technology honored as a pioneer of innovation

15. November 2023

mtex antenna technology GmbH was recently voted one of the top 30 companies in terms of innovation. The ranking took 2,575 companies into account and was the result of a collaboration between the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Creditreform Group.

According to the authors of the study, innovative companies are characterized by a number of features that make them stand out from the crowd. Some of these are a long-term vision, a culture of openness and a certain willingness to take risks. In the detailed analysis, 273 companies in Germany were identified that are particularly characterized by their innovations. Creditreform was able to certify their top creditworthiness. Overall, the authors concluded that “companies that are future-oriented often show higher economic growth than companies that stick to old paths. Internal innovations often give companies the security to survive emerging crises or to hold their own in the face of constant competition on the domestic or global market.”

This year alone, mtex antenna technology has demonstrated its innovative potential on several occasions: The backup structure of an antenna manufactured by mtex from the ngVLA telescope in New Mexico, USA, is a masterpiece in mechanical engineering for which there is no precedent in this form. In addition, mtex won the global tender with its design of an antenna for the next Event Horizon Telescope and, with its innovative strength, demonstrated a knack for developing new scientific instruments for space travel and astrophysics.

“It was a pleasant surprise for us when the editors of the Süddeutsche Zeitung informed us that we are one of the TOP30 most innovative companies in Germany,” admits Lutz Stenvers, CEO of mtex. “It shows that we are on the right track with our corporate vision, coupled with a great team.  In recent years, we have been able to win two of the most exciting and largest astronomy projects within the next ten years against worldwide competition.  We are very happy about this award.”