TOP 100 Award: Ranga Yogeshwar honors ENGMATEC for innovative achievements

10. July 2024

Recognition at the German SME Summit: Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates ENGMATEC GmbH from Radolfzell on being awarded the TOP 100 seal. The award ceremony at the Summit took place on Friday, June 28, in Weimar for all SMEs that received the TOP 100 seal at the beginning of the year. The science journalist is accompanying the innovation competition, which is being held for the 31st time, as a mentor. In the scientific selection process, ENGMATEC was particularly convincing in size category B (51 to 200 employees) in the “External orientation / Open Innovation” category.


The TOP 100 company portrait published on the occasion of the award states (excerpt):


Complex technology, such as that used in cars, cameras or sensors, must be tested thoroughly before it is used. ENGMATEC has been developing corresponding testing systems and, increasingly, automation solutions for the electronics industry for 30 years. The company was taken over by the investment company Schauenburg International in 2019, which initiated a number of innovations. For example, the unique selling point of the special machine manufacturer was fine-tuned together with Furtwangen University in 2021. After researching the market and visiting IT trade fairs, it was clear to the medium-sized company that the shortage of skilled workers in electronics testing would continue to drive the use of automated testing and assembly systems. “We are therefore concentrating on innovative and pragmatic solutions for SMEs in this segment,” reports Managing Director Peter Sauter. Together with suppliers, for example, the company has specialized a collaborative robot, a so-called cobot, for use in automatic circuit board testing.

As ENGMATEC mainly develops customer solutions, this new product was also able to address other target groups.


Click here for the full portrait:




TOP 100: the competition

Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success to medium-sized companies. The scientific management has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke since 2002. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The mentor of TOP 100 is the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar.

Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW. The magazines manager magazin and impulse accompany the company comparison as media partners, ZEIT für Unternehmer is a cooperation partner. 


About the company: Brief portrait of ENGMATEC GmbH


ENGMATEC is a leading mechanical engineering company specializing in the manufacture of assembly systems and test equipment for electronic assemblies and products. From our location on Lake Constance, we offer intelligent automation solutions that are perfectly tailored to the individual requirements of our customers. Our core competence is the combination of automation solutions for a wide range of manufacturing processes with integrated end-of-line testing technology.


Our systems are used worldwide in various industries, including automotive, industrial electronics, home and building technology, telecommunications and consumer electronics.


From single workstations to high-volume production, we design customized solutions,

that cover a wide range of manufacturing processes from assembly to packaging.

As a system integrator, we offer scalable production systems for industrial assembly that are equipped with intelligent testing technology.


ENGMATEC is an automation specialist with extensive experience in the areas of process development, line planning and project planning and supports customers with comprehensive engineering services.

ENGMATEC GmbH covers the entire service chain from design to service and maintenance.


Engmatec GmbH is a subsidiary of the SCHAUENBURG International Group.